Comrade d (anime)

Books about the Comrades Marathon

There have been several books written over the years about the Comrades. In 2011 John Cameron-Dow published Comrades Marathon — The Ultimate Human Race. The book is a wonderful account of the race from the early days right up until the modern era.

Don Oliver, who is a former Comrades Coach has also published a book called Make Sure of Your Comrades Medal.

The book is a hands-on training guide that will talk you through the process of training for and running the Comrades Marathon*

*(Eds note — Don is a fantastic coach but I feel that the amount of training Don recommends may be a bit too much. If I, for example, had to train for the race using Don’s programme I have no doubt I would break down with injury. Being a fairly big runner I would not cope with that amount of mileage but it is a great read none the less.).

Professor Tim Noakes’s Book The Lore of Running is an absolute classic in Comrades folklore. It is strictly speaking not a book on Comrades (although it is covered extensively) it covers everything from injury prevention and treatment to nutrition.**

**(Eds note: The Prof has done an about turn on the nutrition section of this book but the rest of it is fantastic. If you would like to read up what the Prof now recommends his latest publication is The Real Meal Revolution)

How long should your longest long training run for Comrades be?

I am not a huge fan of extremely long long training runs, especially for Comrades novices. There are a few reasons for this. 

As with all the info in this article, the length and timing of your long run will be dependent on your race goal and your experience.

Once you have finished an ultra, you are in essence ready to finish Comrades and as a slower runner or novice, you also reach a point of diminishing returns in that longer runs may prepare you mentally but physically they may do more damage then they are worth and compromise the next few weeks of training and/or race day.

For finishers and sub 11 hopefuls, particularly if you have done another ultramarathon in the build up, 50km 5-6 weeks from race day is the most you should run.

If you are targeting 8:30-10 hours and have done at least 1 Ultra, then your number is 50-55km and run 5 weeks prior to race day.

7-8:30 will aim to run 50-55km 4 weeks from race day and your aspirant Gold medalists will probably look to 60km or longer 4 weeks out from race day.

I am not a fan of the Kosmos 3 in 1 or similar events as it adds up to almost 80km in one day and I firmly believe that you are leaving your best Comrades on the road if you do these sorts of events.

The Easter 100s or Comrades in 3 days are far better, however for runners slower than 10hrs I would encourage you to do 2 of the 3 days as the whole 100/Comrades will take some recovery. 

In conclusion, I want you to realise that Comrades mileage is dependent on the individual. No two runners will respond the same way to the same amount of mileage. It is so easy to get sucked into the mileage comparison game and I want to urge you not to. 


You must collect your two(2) Comrades Marathon Bonitas race numbers, Mizuno runner’s t-shirt and Goodie Bag from the venue you have indicated on your entry form. Should you have placed an order for a ChampionChip with your entry form, the chip will be in your race number pack and can ONLY be collected from the registration venue you have indicated.

Should you wish to use your chip for qualifying races before the Comrades Marathon, please contact ChampionChip directly. These items will not be posted to you. It is important to note the following when collecting your race number package:

All runners MUST produce their ChampionChip when collecting their race number (Athletes who ordered a new ChampionChip with their entry will receive it at Race Registration).

All runners MUST produce their ChampionChip when collecting their race number pack (Athletes who ordered a new ChampionChip with their entry will receive it at Race Registration).

All runners MUST provide proof of identity to collect their race number pack e.g. ID book/card, Passport or Driver’s License along with your race entry confirmation.

NO race numbers will be issued on race day.


An athlete is not eligible for a prize in more than one age category, i.e. an athlete is only eligible for a prize in the age category applicable to him/her or the younger category chosen by him/her provided he/she is wearing the relevant age category tag. An athlete, male or female, who finishes the race in first to tenth position, may, however, win his/her position prize as well as any applicable age category prize.

Unless you specifically request in writing to CMA organisers to change your age category to a lower age category, by 4 May 2020, you will be entered in the age category of your chronological age. Appropriate ASA approved numerical age category tags must be worn on the front and back of the upper body garment and be clearly visible.

An athlete must provide positive identification to verify proof of age. These rules apply to both individual and team categories.

How do 2020 Comrades Marathon substitutions work?

The CMA have made a major overhaul to the Comrades substitution process this year.

Before getting into the details of how it’s going to work, the substitution period for the 2020 Comrades Marathon will be between 16 March 2020 and 16 April 2020.

During this period you can potentially get your hands on an entry if you missed out at in the initial Comrades entry period. All Comrades entry criteria as mentioned before will apply and no late substitutions are accepted.

Now to the Comrades substitution nitty gritty…

Going forward, the Comrades Marathon Association are going to handle the substitution process.

That means there will be no more horse-trading for entries and money changing hands that shouldn’t be changing hands. 

If after entering Comrades, you are not going to be able to run for whatever reason, you will then be able to place your entry up for substitution. Comrades will then refund you your entry fee (minus a 15% admin fee).

Those substituted entries will then go back into the ‘entry pool’ where runners who missed out on an entry in the first entry window can enter in the substitution window. There will however be a R200 admin fee added on top of the existing Comrades entry fee. 

Another big change with regards to the substitutions, because of the change outlined above, is «like for like» substitutions are no longer necessary.

In the past, if you were a South African runner you could only substitute with another South African runner for example, but that is no longer the case. It seems all substitutions are created equal after all


Batch 42.2 km 48 – 50 km 52 – 54 km 56 km 60 km 64 km 68 km 80 km 90km 100 km
A 02:59:59 03:39:59 03:59:59 04:04:59 04:34:59 04:54:59 05:19:59 06:29:59 07:29:59 08:14:59
B 03:19:59 03:59:59 04:19:59 04:34:59 04:59:59 05:24:59 05:49:59 07:09:59 08:14:59 09:14:59
C 03:39:59 04:24:59 04:49:59 04:59:59 05:24:59 05:49:59 06:19:59 07:44:59 08:59:59 10:14:59
D 03:59:59 04:49:59 05:14:59 05:29:59 05:59:59 06:29:59 06:59:59 08:29:59 09:44:59 10:59:59
E Green Number Club
F 04:19:59 05:14:59 05:44:59 05:59:59 06:29:59 06:59:59 07:29:59 09:09:59 10:29:59 11:44:59
G 04:34:59 05:34:59 06:04:59 06:24:59 06:59:59 07:34:59 08:09:59 09:59:59 11:29:59 12:29:59
H 04:49:59 05:49:59 06:24:59 06:44:59 07:19:59 07:54:59 08:29:59 10:24:59 11:59:59 13:29:59

Post Comrades Recovery

Once all the hard work is done and the race is over, the time comes when you need to nurse your body and get it back to the way it was before you ran. There is often a temptation to start running again really soon after the Comrades but you should take at least 3 weeks off from running completely.

Sometimes it is inevitable that you will need to run a big race soon after the Comrades. If you are wondering how to train for it, this is what to do.

Sometimes, however, things don’t go the way you planned and you need deal with a disappointing Comrades.

We hope you found a lot of value in this Comrades Marathon Resource Guide. If you did, we’d love it if you spread the love and shared it with the runners you know. Please feel free to use any of the social sharing buttons below on this page.

Comrades Marathon Qualifying for 2021

In order to start the Comrades Marathon in 2021, you have to successfully qualify to run the race. There are various qualifying criteria that are stipulated by the Comrades Marathon Association but the two big ones you need to be aware of to qualify to run Comrades, are as follows:

  1. You need to be at least 20 years old on the day of the race (13 June 2021)
  2. You have to have successfully completed a marathon in less that 4:50

There are are other distances further than 42km that you can run in order to qualify to run Comrades that allow for more time, but those are the two most important things to remember.

We have written a very extensive post on Comrades Marathon Qualifying in 2021, that includes everything you need to know about Comrades qualification.

Included is an extensive list of Comrades Marathon qualifiers, Comrades Marathon qualifying times for distances ranging from 42.2km right through to 100km as well as the average paces you need to run them at in order to qualify.

This is everything you need to know about Comrades Marathon Qualifying.

How many kilometers or miles do you need to run in training to finish Comrades?

Once you’ve selected an appropriate Comrades Marathon Training program to follow, you can then start looking at how much training do you actually need to be doing according to your goal. 

Depending on your Comrades goal or the medal you’re chasing, the range of mileage starts around 850km or 531 miles for a Vic Clapham medal or Sub 12 hour finish through to more than 3200km or 2000 miles if you’re chasing a Comrades gold medal. 

Let’s dig into what that actually means…

When we talk about training for Comrades we often only refer to the time frame from the first of January to Comrades Marathon race day, which is in June. 

Although you’ve probably been training for a while, all the training you’ve done prior to 1 January is the base you will build your Comrades training on top of. 

In an ideal world you want to arrive on 1 January fit and injury free. 

Too often I see runners start their Comrades training in January tired and/or injured. You’ll be better served to start the new year unfit and fresh than overtrained and tired. 


All qualifying races must be run between 24 August 2019 and 4 May 2020. All qualifying races must be ASA technically compliant and meet the Comrades Marathon qualifying criteria. You must submit your provincially approved club name, license number and qualifying race details by no later than 4 May 2020.

You will not be able to participate and your details will be removed from our database, which means that you will NOT receive a goodie bag or runner’s t-shirt.

Entrants without access to the internet can contact the CMA office and supply their qualifying details to upgrade their seeding. Your club administrator will be issued with login details to the club verification system. They will have direct access to your entry qualifying details and must verify and authorise your entry before 4 May 2020. No upgrade of seeding will be permitted after 4 May 2020.

Net time (Mat to Mat) will be accepted if the race is timed by a reputable timing company using an electronic timing system.

How to enter the 2020 Comrades Marathon

There are 3 ways to enter the Comrades Marathon.

  • You can enter Comrades online via their website or app
  • You can physically drop off your Comrades entry form or
  • You can post your Comrades entry form

If you choose to enter the 2020 Comrades Marathon online, you’ll need a debit card, credit card or visa/mastercard in order to pay for your entry.

You can enter online by going to or by downloading the Comrades App.

Online entries for the 2020 Comrades Marathon officially open on Monday 28 October 2019 at 8am.

If you would rather hand deliver your completed Comrades Marathon entry form then you need to take it to Comrades House in Pietermaritzburg,

The physical address is 18 Connaught Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg.

You’ll need to have your entry there by 16:30 on the date of entries closing or before the entries sell out (Whichever comes first).

While you’re there, take a walk around the Comrades museum and really get into the spirit of this Comrades thing you’re about to be sucked into.

Entries via snail mail (postal entries) will also be accepted for the 2020 Comrades Marathon.

You will need to send your completed entry from, with proof of your direct deposit or a cheque, to The Comrades Marathon Association, PO Box 100621, Scottsville, 3209.

If you’re paying by cheque, it must be made payable to the Comrades Marathon Association. (And don’t forget to include the cheque in the envelope)

For direct bank deposits, you will need to use the following bank details in order to pay:

Account Holder: Comrades Marathon AssociationAccount Number: 1305846559Branch Code: 130526,Reference: Make sure you use your South African ID number as your reference.

Remember, Comrades entries open on 28 October 2019 and close on 30 November 2019 — or as soon as the 27 000 mark has been reached, so make sure you get it done before then!

Would I ever do it again

It’s a thought that runs through my mind often. Deep down inside, I know I’m capable of achieving more than what I have already achieved in this race. I’ve said that I would like to do the 100th edition which is in 5 years time and give it one last balls to the wall effort. It’s a selfish race that requires a lot of sacrifices, so hopefully by this time I’ve achieved my shorter distance goals.

Is it possible for me to run a sub 6 one day?  Who knows, but I always back myself.

Please hop on over to Nick’s website for more on his running experiences and online training.

The only question we want to know is will Nick sneak in a Comrades dress rehearsal run before attempting a sub 6 hour?

Nick Bester

Africa Marathons Online Coach

Nick is currently a 29-year old South African runner living in London where he’s been based for the last 3 years.

He initially got into running by committing to do the Comrades Marathon in 2014. After finishing in a time of 7h 14min and managing to get a silver medal in his first Comrades (down run), he wanted to train a little harder and have one more years’ experience to tackle the Comrades Marathon (up run). He took this challenge on and completed his second Comrades (up run) in a time of 6h 58min. The challenge wasn’t over and he knew he could get faster so he was back the following year (down run) and finished in a time of 6h 28min, finishing 73rd overall.

Comrades is in his blood and Nick is planning to be back to run the 100th year run in 2021. He has completed many other international marathons and is aiming for the Abbots Medal by completing all six majors.

Do you have to belong to a running club to enter the Comrades Marathon?

You don’t need to be a member of a running club at the time of entering the Comrades Marathon, but if you are a South African you will need to be a member of a running club in order to run the Comrades Marathon.

You will also need to be a member of a running club which also has to be in the province in which you reside. So, for example, if you live in Gauteng you need to be a member of a running club in Gauteng.

If you fail to stick to the domicile rule your entry into Comrades will be rejected (unless you are registered on the current ASA National List)

You will also need to have a 2020 license in order to run the Comrades Marathon.

You obviously won’t have your 2020 license when entries open, so you will be able to enter Comrades without it, but you will need to update your 2020 license details, as well as you qualifying race & time before 16h30 on May 4th 2020.


— Да вы чего, сдурели что ли? — охотник дворф с удивлением посмотрел на рейд лидера.
— Не понял? — переспросил рейд ледир, воин в блестящих доспехах и огромным щитом, на котором был нарисован какой-то страхолюд.
— Вы меня куда звали вообще?
— То есть? — всё ещё непонимающе спросил рейдлидер, — на эмо 10, всё по ролу.
— Ну и???? — теряя терпение взвился двоф.
— Что ну и???? — вторя дворфу и повышая тон гаркнул рейдлидер.
— то что???? ЭМО???? — дворф сделал красноречивый жест в сторону Эмолома.
— Эмо… — всё ещё не понимающе протянул рейд лидер.
— Да ты на бороду его посмотри, знаток, какое это эмо мать их??? — взвился дворф, — этож КСПшник типичный, вот-вот достанет гитару и что-нить про солнышко лесное збацает.
— Чего? — протянул рейдлидер ничего не понимая.
— Я эмо с удвольствием вломлю… ну готам всяким, хиппи. НЕ люблю я их. НО ЭМО ТАКИХ БОРОД НЕ НОСЯТ!!!
— Вот Эмо — пытаясь сохранить некие остатки разумности беседеы протянул рейд лидер, — эмолом это.
— То что лом я вижу, — буркнул хантер, — эмо тут не вижу. КСПшник, и это в лучшем случае.

Международная ассоциация трейлраннинга (ITRA)

Многие организаторы ультрамарафона являются членами Международной ассоциации трейлраннинга (ITRA), организации, которая продвигает ценности, разнообразие, здоровье и безопасность во время гонок, а также работает над дальнейшим развитием трейлраннинга и помогает координировать действия национальных и международных организаций. с интересом к спорту. ITRA также оценивает сложность конкретных маршрутов ультрамарафона по ряду критериев, таких как расстояние, совокупный набор высоты, а также количество петель и этапов. ITRA ведет календарь ультрамарафонских мероприятий.


Да Илидан тебя порви, говорю уже тебе – у нас тут не принято говорить “зеленожопый”. Это неполиткорректно. Понимаешь? – Эльфийка крови с нашивками начальника городской стражи уставилась на сидящего на стуле собрата по расе.
— Да, но они же зеленожоп… а что такое “политкорректно”?
— Формально… ФОРМАЛЬНО!(эльфийка строго сверкнула взглядом поверх очков) орда наши союзники и мы должны относится к ним с уважением… как бы.
— Мы? – уточнил сидящий эльф.
— Да.
— Эльфы? – ещё раз уточнил он.
— Именно так.
— Высшая раса в мире??? – повышая тон, который уже с трудом можно было назвать уточняющим, снова сказал эльф.
Начальник стражи вздохнула. — Так распорядилось начальство.
Эльф задумался и поёрзал на стуле.
— А вот тауренов можно мохнатожопыми называть?
— НЕТ!!!!
— Хм… — эльф задумался.
Тут в караулку вошёл орк с нашивкой стражника.
— Ей браза – крикнул он другому стражнику ещё не вошедшему в помещение, — тащи сюда свою зелёную жопу, мой зеленожопый друг. Кажется они поймали ушастого.

Where do you start if you want to run the Comrades Marathon?

The answer is right here! We’d suggest bookmarking this page and checking back regularly as we are continually adding and revising our Comrades Marathon training and resources. 

The first thing you are going to need is a Comrades Marathon training program. It is important to select the right Comrades program, according to your running ability. A mistake many Comrades runners make is to select a training program that is way above their running ability thinking that if they train for a Bill Rowan, even though they are Comrades bronze medal or Vic Clapham candidates, they’ll be sufficiently prepared to finish Comrades.

This is not the case. If you are not on the correct Comrades Training schedule for your ability, you run the risk of arriving on race day either overtrained or undertrained or even worse, injured.

The 2021 Comrades Marathon Down Run training programs are now available. This is where you can access the 2021 Comrades Marathon Training Plans.

In the meantime, if you’d like to start training for Comrades, it is important to realise that just like the race itself, training for Comrades is a marathon and not a sprint. 

The Comrades Marathon – also known as the Ultimate Human Race

It’s a race that is built only for the toughest of the tough. This is evident by the fact that there is no separate men’s or women’s qualify time or cut-off. To put things into perspective there are around 22,000 people who enter this event. About 16,000 people make the start line (most dropouts are due to runners getting injured in training), about 12,000 finish the race of which about 70-80% of the field finish within the last hour.

The most brutal part of the entire race is the cut off after 12 hours. As soon as the clock hits this 12-hour mark, the officials pull a rope across the finish line, stopping each and every runner who has just missed it.

It’s heartbreaking to see the devastated faces of these exhausted runners who have come so close but will go home without a medal. The worst part about it is they don’t even let you walk across the finish line – instead, you have you turn around and exit the stadium back along the route, where just a few seconds earlier you were busting your guts out trying to make it in time. That pretty much defines the Comrades Marathon:  it takes no prisoners.


All entrants must run with their own ChampionChip. Entrants who do not own their own ChampionChip must purchase a chip from ChampionChip Africa, or one of their distributors, prior to entering the event. Runners MUST produce their ChampionChip when collecting their race pack. All runners are required to wear a ChampionChip timing device on their shoes for the duration of the race. The chip must be registered in the runner’s name and NOT belong to someone else. Wearing another athlete’s ChampionChip will lead to disqualification.


For more information please contact ChampionChip on +27 (0)861100963 or visit their website


The Struggle for Trost arc

The Titan kills Mina Carolina

During the battle for Trost District, this Titan happens to catch its arm on Mina Carolina’s omni-directional mobility gear grapple wire mid-air, bringing her crashing against the Wall and then down to the ground, knocking her into a daze. The Titan spots her just before she gathers herself and then goes on to pick her up and bite most of her head off as she struggles, killing her as other cadets die around them.

It is seen once more afterward, having made its way with other smaller Titans into the equipment depot of the military headquarters in Trost. As part of Armin Arlelt’s plan to clear out the Titans from the depot, Sasha Braus attacks it, but fails to land a killing blow. As the Titan approaches Sasha, Mikasa Ackermann comes to her rescue, killing the Titan.

комрэйдз комрэйдз транскрипция – 10 результатов перевода

— Do give it a rest, Charlie Butt.
— Comrades, comrades, I hope nobody else is holding a rally here today.
Right, I’m just off to put the money on.

Прекрати, пожалуйста, товарищ Батт.

Товарищи, товарищи. Надеюсь, мы приехали сюда не ссориться.
Хорошо. Я иду ставить.



Comrades! Comrades!
Leave the boy alone.

— Порфирий…
— Граждане, ну граждане!
Оставьте парня в покое.


This detail, which to the cause has … Nothing to do!

Comrades Comrades.
I propose to re-elect the board!

Это частность, которая к общему делу не имеет …никакого отношения!

Товарищи! Товарищи.
Я предлагаю переизбрать правление!


Comrades, comrades
Don’t let them on.

Это наш человек! Перестаньте грести!
Друзья, друзья!
Стоп! Не пускать их на борт!


And you will hear the people applaud when they hear your name.

Comrades! Comrades!
Here is our comrade Mario Ruoppolo, who will read you a poem which he dedicated… to the great poet who is known to us all… Pablo Neruda.

Люди будут аплодировать, услышав Ваше имя.

С нами товарищ Марио Руопполо, он прочтёт нам стихотворение которое он посвятил великому поэту которого мы все любим — Пабло Неруде!


I sing songs I wish, oh my mother,

Comrades, comrades!

Хотелось бы, мать родная, чтоб такое только снилось мне…

Товарищи, товарищи!


You die!
Comrades Comrades
The Board went on about the schizophrenic!

Вы разобьетесь!

Товарищи! Товарищи!
Правление пошло на поводу у шизофренички!


Here is our comrade Mario Ruoppolo, who will read you a poem which he dedicated… to the great poet who is known to us all… Pablo Neruda.

Comrades! Comrades!
We invite Mario Ruoppolo onto the platform…

С нами товарищ Марио Руопполо, он прочтёт нам стихотворение которое он посвятил великому поэту которого мы все любим — Пабло Неруде!

Приглашаем на трибуну Марио Руопполо!


Your only brother, Lujo.

Comrades, comrades!
There I saw …

Твой единственный брат, Луйо.
Друзья, друзья!
Я там такое видел …


— Yeah, we have over 450 signatures.
— Comrades, comrades by even talking to this brown shirt, you’re-you’re-you’re merely, uh, encouraging
He truthfully has very little power;

— Да, у нас более 450 подписей.
— Товарищи, товарищи даже просто разговаривая с этим представителем правящего класса, вы-вы-вы в некотором роде, поощряете его.
В действительности, у него слишком мало полномочий;


Показать еще


Существует два основных типа ультрамарафонов: те, которые проходят определенное расстояние или маршрут, и те, которые длятся в течение заранее определенного периода времени (с победителем, который преодолевает наибольшее расстояние за это время). Наиболее распространенные расстояния — 50 километров (31,07 мили), 100 километров (62,14 мили), 50 миль (80,47 км) и 100 миль (160,93 км), хотя у многих гонок есть другие расстояния. Бег на 100 километров признан официальным мировым рекордом Международной ассоциацией легкоатлетических федераций (ИААФ), всемирным руководящим органом легкой атлетики.

Другие ультрамарафонские гонки включают двойные марафоны, 24-часовые гонки и многодневные гонки на 1000 миль (1600 км) и более. Формат этих соревнований и трасс варьируется от одиночных петель (некоторые из которых достигают длины 400 метров (1300 футов)) до гонок по шоссе или трейловым гонкам по пересеченной местности и рогейна по пересеченной местности . Многие ультрамарафоны, особенно трейловые , имеют значительные препятствия, такие как ненастная погода, перепады высот или пересеченная местность. Многие из этих гонок проходят по грунтовым дорогам или горным тропам , хотя некоторые также проходят по дорогам с твердым покрытием. Обычно есть пункты помощи , возможно, каждые 20–35 километров (от 12 до 22 миль), где бегуны могут пополнить запасы еды и питья или сделать небольшой перерыв.

Запланированные по времени события варьируются от 6, 12 и 24 часов до 3, 6 и 10 дней (известные как многодневные события). Соревнования по времени, как правило, проводятся на треке или короткой дороге, часто длиной в одну милю (1,6 км) или меньше.

Есть несколько самоподдерживающихся гонок на ультрамарафонских этапах, в которых каждый участник должен иметь при себе все свои запасы, включая еду, чтобы выжить на протяжении всей гонки, обычно длящейся неделю. Примером этого является Гранд до Гранд Ультра в США.

Международная ассоциация сверхмарафон (IAU) организует чемпионат мира по различному Ultramarathon расстояния, в том числе 50 километров (31 миль), 100 км (62 миль), 24 часов, и ультра след работают , которые также признаны ИААФ. Во многих странах по всему миру есть свои собственные организации по бегу на сверхбеговые соревнования, часто это национальная федерация легкой атлетики страны, или они санкционированы такими национальными организациями легкой атлетики. IAU отслеживает лучшие в мире показатели по дистанциям, времени и возрасту.

Соревнования по спортивной ходьбе обычно составляют 50 км, хотя также организуются гонки «Центурион» на и 100 миль (160 км). Кроме того, неконкурентная Международная Маршевая лига событие Неймеген Четыре дня Марта имеет регулировки расстояние 4 × 50 км в течение четырех дней для лиц в возрасте от 19 до 49.

В 2021 году были высказаны опасения по поводу планирования и медицинского обслуживания ультрамарафонов в Китае после того, как десятки гонщиков умерли от переохлаждения, и по крайней мере один умер от сердечного приступа; Правительство объявило запрет на проведение «экстремальных» соревнований.

The Comrades Marathon Down Run Route

As mentioned above the Comrades down run is 90km or 56 miles in distance and includes 1166m or 3827ft ofvertical ascent with a maximum elevation of 821m or 2696 ft. 

The image below is basic route profile and as you see there is a fair deal of climbing in the first half, including a climb to the highest point on the down run route which is at Umlaas Road. There is a lot of work to be done up until the climb out of Drummond on the way to Botha’s Hill. 

The descent from top of Botha’s Hill to the bottom of Fields Hill is what really differentiates the down run from the up run and for most runners, this is where the damaged is caused. 

Many a runner has flown down this descent to make up time only to pay it back on spades in the final quarter of the race. If you’ve been able to conserve some energy by the time you climb over Cowies Hill you can make up a fair deal of time through Westville as you head towards the finish in Durban.

If you are looking for the most extensive, detailed description of the Comrades Marathon down run then look no further than this post. It includes the route profile, route map and detailed Comrades route description.

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