Jillian michaels workouts and meal plans — dynamic fitness training app for weight loss

Custom Meal Plans for Weight Loss

All my bulletproof meal plans are co-created with professional chefs and registered dieticians, so they taste amazing and deliver insane results. Every plan offers focused guidelines, recipes, menus, shopping lists and even dining out tips, so all the guesswork is gone. Easily swap out recipes and tailor to taste.

Omnivore Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning nutrition plan for Omnivores offers everything you need to achieve your goals. Whether you want to cleanse your system and detox your body, jumpstart your metabolism, shed fat, maintain lean muscle, increase your energy, and optimize your immunity. This meal plan has you covered.

Vegan Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning nutrition plan for Vegans, co-created by Megan Marlow, shows you how easy and tasty being vegan can be. This plan combines key ingredients to ensure you are getting enough calories and nutrients to boost performance in the gym and out. These nutrient-rich recipes ensure you get enough iron, protein, and calcium without having to consume animal products. The dishes are delicious, affordable, and incredibly effective.

Paleo Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels Paleo/Gluten free nutrition plan provides optimized phytonutrients, fiber, and clean protein combinations to ensure you get incredible results. Jillian and her team of chefs and registered dietitians crafted this plan to boost energy, maintain muscle, and optimize fat burning.

Vegetarian Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels meal plan for Vegetarians makes healthy eating delicious, easy, and affordable. This plan is for individuals that don’t eat meat of any kind, but still incorporate dairy and eggs into their diet. It’s designed to maximize phytonutrients for optimal metabolism function, boosted immunity, and increased energy! The recipes are also perfectly balanced with the right fats, fiber, and protein content to fuel your workouts and curb hunger while you get lean and mean.

Pescatarian Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels meal plan for Pescatarians makes healthy eating delicious, easy, and affordable. This plan is for individuals that don’’t eat meat, but still incorporate seafood, dairy, and eggs into their diet. It’’s designed to maximize healthy fats, amino acids from clean protein, and phytonutrients for optimal metabolism function, lean muscle maintenance, and increased energy! The recipes are also perfectly balanced for optimal energy with the mix of macro nutrients to fuel your workouts and keep you revved for world domination.

5-Day Jumpstart Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning 5-day jumpstart nutrition plan will help you flush bloat, eliminate waste from your system and give your metabolism a kick in the pants through the removal of processed grains, sugar, and alcohol. This meal plan will also help you fend off cravings, break bad habits, and quite literally amplify and optimize your metabolism. Great to use as a jumpstart when you first start using the app or can also be used as a reset at any time you feel you need it.

6 Keys Meal Plan

Based on Jillian’s best-selling book. The 6 Keys meal plan is all about reversing the effects of aging for growing skin, hair and nails. Longevity, vitality, immunity, and of course a healthy body weight that leaves you feeling confident in your own skin.

Quick and Easy Meal Plan

This meal plan is designed specifically for people who want to be healthy and are always in a hurry. Every meal has a short list of easy to find ingredients for tasty meals that can be prepared in under 10 minutes!

Personalized Fitness Programs

Get the fitness motivation you need with the worlds #1 personal training and nutrition app from Jillian Michaels. Personalized workouts, custom meal plans, thousands of exercises and a fitness community of millions to support you.

The Fitness App provides an infinite variety of fully interactive, customized daily workouts, or choose from one of Jillian’s specifically tailored programs listed below. For individuals of all fitness levels, from beginner workouts to super advanced fitness programs, yoga, meditations and more.

  • Completely interactive fitness app. Swap out exercises to personalize your workouts. Increase or decrease the intensity at any time and Jillian will respond!
  • Over 800 Unique Exercises that include an HD video to help perfect your form.
  • Pick Your Music and dynamically match the tempo to the pace of your workout.
  • Sync Your Workouts with Health. Bluetooth Compatible with most Bluetooth heart rate monitors.
  • Fitness Progress Tracking to monitor your progress with a personal dashboard to track your weight, workouts, calories burned, calories consumed and more.
  • Syncs with Apple Health, and most Bluetooth heart rate monitors. Bluetooth Compatible with most Bluetooth heart rate monitors.

Fitness for Beginners

Jillian’s 30 day jump start program.

For people just starting their fitness journey. If you have never worked out, feel intimidated by exercise, or have just let yourself fall out of shape, Fitness for Beginners is the ideal program to get you on the path to your best self. This program consist of 10 unique 20 minute workouts strategically sequenced to get you back into great health safely and effectively.

This program is a rapid weight loss system for individuals with 30+ pounds to lose. In Transform 90, Jillian trains you through 36 totally unique, 25-minute workouts, and trains you through three progressive phases of fitness to meet you where you are at and subsequently transform your body, your health, and your life.

Описание программы Ripped in 30

Как правило, Ripped in 30 начинают делать те, кто уже знаком с видео-тренировками Джиллиан Майклс. Эта программа находится в тени более нашумевших 30 Day Shred и Body Revolution, но назвать ее менее эффективной нельзя. Принцип «Риппов» и «Шредов» схожий: 3 минуты силовых упражнений, 2 минуты кардио, 1 минута пресс. Такой интервальный подход поможет провести полчаса занятий очень эффективно для вашей фигуры.

Курс содержит 4 тренировки: от самого легкого уровня до сложного. Первую неделю вы выполняете простой уровень, со второй начинается более серьезная нагрузка, на третьей и четвертой неделе готовьтесь хорошенько попотеть. В итоге через месяц интенсивного спорта с Джиллиан вы похудеете и качественно измените свое тело.

Программа отлично подойдет для тех, кто закончил заниматься «Шредами», а переходить к более сложным тренингам пока не готов. Тем более, занятие длится всего лишь полчаса, поэтому вам не нужно искать дополнительное время на тренировки. Также Ripped in 30 отлично подойдет новичкам. Постепенное увеличение нагрузки сделает ваше приобщение к спорту максимально щадящим.

Плюсы Ripped in 30:

  • тренировка длится всего полчаса;
  • каждую неделю начинается новый уровень: организм не успевает привыкнуть к нагрузке и тренировка не успевает наскучить;
  • с «Риппами» вы прорабатываете все мышцы вашего тела;
  • курс подойдет даже новичкам в фитнесе;
  • не нужно бояться, что программа идентичная с 30 Day Shred: Джиллиан использует новые упражнения.

Минусы Ripped in 30:

  • если вы прошли «Шреды», то, возможно, нагрузка в Ripped in 30 покажется вам недостаточной;
  • нет русского перевода программы в отличие от 30 Day Shred.

Как всегда, вместе с Джиллиан упражнения показывают две спортивные девушки: одна демонстрирует простой вариант выполнения, вторая — более продвинутый. Джиллиан рекомендует заниматься 5-6 раз в неделю. Для занятий нужны два набора гантелей (легкие и тяжелые), вес будет зависеть от вашей физической подготовки. Например, 1,5 и 4 кг считают оптимальной цифрой.

«Ripped in 30» — отличный курс как для новичков, так и для более продвинутых в фитнесе. Тренировка наполнена достаточно свежими упражнениями, ведь Джиллиан удается отлично модифицировать программы, наполняя их новым контентом. Постепенное усложнение занятий от недели к неделе поможет вашему телу постепенно привыкнуть к нагрузке, но и не даст заскучать. К видео «Ripped in 30» Джиллиан подготовила также план питания для гарантированного похудения.

Custom Meal Plans for Weight Loss

All my bulletproof meal plans are co-created with professional chefs and registered dieticians, so they taste amazing and deliver insane results. Every plan offers focused guidelines, recipes, menus, shopping lists and even dining out tips, so all the guesswork is gone. Easily swap out recipes and tailor to taste.

Omnivore Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning nutrition plan for Omnivores offers everything you need to achieve your goals. Whether you want to cleanse your system and detox your body, jumpstart your metabolism, shed fat, maintain lean muscle, increase your energy, and optimize your immunity. This meal plan has you covered.

Vegan Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning nutrition plan for Vegans, co-created by Megan Marlow, shows you how easy and tasty being vegan can be. This plan combines key ingredients to ensure you are getting enough calories and nutrients to boost performance in the gym and out. These nutrient-rich recipes ensure you get enough iron, protein, and calcium without having to consume animal products. The dishes are delicious, affordable, and incredibly effective.

Paleo Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels Paleo/Gluten free nutrition plan provides optimized phytonutrients, fiber, and clean protein combinations to ensure you get incredible results. Jillian and her team of chefs and registered dietitians crafted this plan to boost energy, maintain muscle, and optimize fat burning.

Vegetarian Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels meal plan for Vegetarians makes healthy eating delicious, easy, and affordable. This plan is for individuals that don’t eat meat of any kind, but still incorporate dairy and eggs into their diet. It’s designed to maximize phytonutrients for optimal metabolism function, boosted immunity, and increased energy! The recipes are also perfectly balanced with the right fats, fiber, and protein content to fuel your workouts and curb hunger while you get lean and mean.

Pescatarian Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels meal plan for Pescatarians makes healthy eating delicious, easy, and affordable. This plan is for individuals that don’’t eat meat, but still incorporate seafood, dairy, and eggs into their diet. It’’s designed to maximize healthy fats, amino acids from clean protein, and phytonutrients for optimal metabolism function, lean muscle maintenance, and increased energy! The recipes are also perfectly balanced for optimal energy with the mix of macro nutrients to fuel your workouts and keep you revved for world domination.

5-Day Jumpstart Meal Plan

The Jillian Michaels fat burning 5-day jumpstart nutrition plan will help you flush bloat, eliminate waste from your system and give your metabolism a kick in the pants through the removal of processed grains, sugar, and alcohol. This meal plan will also help you fend off cravings, break bad habits, and quite literally amplify and optimize your metabolism. Great to use as a jumpstart when you first start using the app or can also be used as a reset at any time you feel you need it.

6 Keys Meal Plan

Based on Jillian’s best-selling book. The 6 Keys meal plan is all about reversing the effects of aging for growing skin, hair and nails. Longevity, vitality, immunity, and of course a healthy body weight that leaves you feeling confident in your own skin.

Quick and Easy Meal Plan

This meal plan is designed specifically for people who want to be healthy and are always in a hurry. Every meal has a short list of easy to find ingredients for tasty meals that can be prepared in under 10 minutes!

Personalized Fitness Programs

Get the fitness motivation you need with the worlds #1 personal training and nutrition app from Jillian Michaels. Personalized workouts, custom meal plans, thousands of exercises and a fitness community of millions to support you.

The Fitness App provides an infinite variety of fully interactive, customized daily workouts, or choose from one of Jillian’s specifically tailored programs listed below. For individuals of all fitness levels, from beginner workouts to super advanced fitness programs, yoga, meditations and more.

  • Completely interactive fitness app. Swap out exercises to personalize your workouts. Increase or decrease the intensity at any time and Jillian will respond!
  • Over 800 Unique Exercises that include an HD video to help perfect your form.
  • Pick Your Music and dynamically match the tempo to the pace of your workout.
  • Sync Your Workouts with Health. Bluetooth Compatible with most Bluetooth heart rate monitors.
  • Fitness Progress Tracking to monitor your progress with a personal dashboard to track your weight, workouts, calories burned, calories consumed and more.
  • Syncs with Apple Health, and most Bluetooth heart rate monitors. Bluetooth Compatible with most Bluetooth heart rate monitors.

Fitness for Beginners

Jillian’s 30 day jump start program.

For people just starting their fitness journey. If you have never worked out, feel intimidated by exercise, or have just let yourself fall out of shape, Fitness for Beginners is the ideal program to get you on the path to your best self. This program consist of 10 unique 20 minute workouts strategically sequenced to get you back into great health safely and effectively.

This program is a rapid weight loss system for individuals with 30+ pounds to lose. In Transform 90, Jillian trains you through 36 totally unique, 25-minute workouts, and trains you through three progressive phases of fitness to meet you where you are at and subsequently transform your body, your health, and your life.

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