Сисси тренер видео на русском языке

Sissy Socialization

Once you have your feminization program put together: the posture, the mannerisms, the clothes, the makeup, the body, the voice; it’s time to put yourself out there in the real world.

From my precarious perspective, there’s two compelling reasons for this:

  • You want to be admired, envied (and even lusted after)
  • You want to meet like-minded people

The best way to get some exposure is to simply venture out into the public arena—looking your absolute best of course. This is also the scariest way… but only at first. I’ve found that after five times out, your fear will subside, if not vanish completely.

For the first time out, I suggest using a technique that is extremely effective. I explain it in: A Sissy Tip for Crossdressing in Public. It’s a drop-dead simple concept that really works well for ignoring what other people might think of you.

The next best way to put yourself out there is to get involved in an online TG, CD or sissy community. There are plenty to choose from such as:

  • FetLife
  • Club Sissy
  • GetGirly
  • Hypno Fetish
  • Sissy related Reddits (there are several)
  • Zity (has a Sissies and Feminization forum)
  • Sissy Space (Discord Server)

Those are a few of my favorites. There are many more if you search around. I have links to the above sites on my Sissy Resources page.

Once you embrace the socialization aspect of being a sissy, your world will change forever. You cannot begin to predict the situations and people you will unexpectedly come into contact with—and how they will transform your life.

Getting all dolled-up and presenting yourself to the world is considered the acid test of sissification. You will find out pretty damn quick how bad you really want to be a girl.

4 – Bulgarian Split Squat

I know, I know… typical squats don’t isolate the glutes like we want but these bulgarian split squats are a different animal. The key to this exercise is to place the front leg out from the bench far enough so that the knee is over the foot. This will result in emphasizing the glutes while de-emphasizing the quads. Other things to take note of:

  • Unlike the photo above, it’s preferable to bend the foot backwards with the top of it resting on the bench
  • Yes, the girl in the photo is using a set of small dumbells but I can pretty much guarantee that you won’t be needing any extra resistance to begin with
  • Perform this exercise with your arms down at your sides so that when you’re ready to incorporate some dumbells, you’ll already have the form perfected
  • I use an ottoman instead of a bench but you can use just about anything as long as it’s not too high

This is a video that shows you exactly how to do these split squats:

Please be warned sweetie, although these are awesome sissy butt exercises, they’re definitely not for ‘sissies’.

Я пришёл, у меня горит, а меня никто не хочет

На вас не обращают внимание? Поверьте, это не от того, что на сайте мало людей, хотя это не ВК, здесь нет миллионной аудитории. По статистике каждую минуту кто-то заходит на сайт

Пользователи читают новости, пишут комменты, посты, смотрят альбомы друг друга, наряжают своего персонажа. Здесь годами сложившаяся атмосфера и очень дружное сообщество. Представьте, что вы пришли на вечеринку, где все друг друга знают, а вы – новичок. Обратить на себя внимание можно оригинальным комментарием, классным постом. Напишите кому-нибудь комплимент. Это можно сделать на страничке пользователя, рядом с его персонажем. Оденьте красиво вашу куколку. Тогда с вами обязательно захотят познакомится. Срочно нужен половой партнёр? Загляните в телеграм-канал @altavita

Feminizing Hormone Therapy or FHT

Although it is very popular for MtF TG to undergo FHT (aka HRT–hormone replacement therapy), it is in no way absolutely necessary to successfully transition. There are some health concerns that go with FHT.

On top of that, there are also some changes that take place that are NOT reversible—namely, breast growth and fertility.

For a deeper dive into feminizing hormone therapy, you can read an article I previously wrote on this very important subject: 10 Questions a Sissy Might Ask About Feminizing Hormone Therapy.

There are also a couple of TG transitioning sites that I recommend on my Sissy Resources page. Scroll down near the bottom and look under the Sissy and TG Support section.

As I previously alluded to—although popular and generally desirable—FHT is not mandatory to transition. There are many, many MtF TG who opt not to take feminizing hormones that are absolutely gorgeous! In many cases this can be attributed to…

Фанты и как пополнить счет?

Многие приятные вещи на сайте можно получить за фанты. Это – наша внутренняя валюта. Например, можно купить одежду для своих кукол, получить доступ к разделу «Картинки» и возможность смотреть личные альбомы других пользователей, увеличить личный фотоальбом, слушать аудио-треки. А что делать, если фанты закончились? В голубой ленте на вашей страничке есть изображение кошелька. Кликните на него, и вы попадете на страницу, где можно пополнить счет любым удобным для вас способом.

Также вы можете получить фанты бесплатно. При регистрации каждый пользователь получает 50 фантов. При продлении подписки 75 фантов. За ежедневное посещение сайта вам будет начисляться по 5 фантов в день, пока сумма не достигнет 300. После этого начисление прекратится. Если вы потратите свои фанты, то вам снова будет приходить ежедневный бонус, до тех пор, пока сумма на счету вновь не достигнет 300 фантов. Бесплатные фанты можно получить за хороший пост, интересный комментарий или победу в конкурсе. Также есть ещё множество способов. Подробнее смотрите в разделе «Бесплатные фанты». Фанты за интересные посты или комменты начисляются раз в месяц. В случае, если пост или комментарий приятно поразил создателей сайта – фанты начисляются сразу.

Feminizing Surgery

Feminizing surgical procedures for a transgender woman are typically used to augment FHT—and in certain cases, even replace it. Depending on how far you want to go and to which areas of the body you wish to feminize, it can get quite expensive.

However when you’ve come this far in your sissification process, you can usually find a way to come up with the money if something is that important to you. In my mind, feminization surgery would be really important.

Let’s start with the face and work our way down.

Facial Feminization Surgery

While FHT will leave your face with softer lines and looking feminine, it is not the choice for every TG. Facial feminization surgery or FFS can be an alternative—or a complementary procedure—albeit an expensive one.

FFS consists of several surgical procedures that will morph masculine facial features into more feminine-like ones. These are the most popular interventions:

  • Brow bone reduction or frontal bossing
  • Scalp advancement (lowering the hairline)
  • Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
  • Blepharoplasty (droopy eyelids/under-eye bags)
  • Tracheal shave
  • Cheek implants
  • Lip implants and/or lip lift
  • Chin softening
  • Rhytidectomy or face lift

For a brief explanation as to what each of these procedures are designed to do, check out this very informative article about FFS.

Breast Augmentation

Oftentimes FHT alone will increase the size of your breasts to something that you’re content with. But sometimes you will want a more impressive set of tits.

Breast implants continue to be the second most popular cosmetic surgical treatment—right behind liposuction. In 2018, over a quarter million breasts augmentation surgeries were performed in the US alone.

MtF TG breast augmentation, although similar to that which is performed on a cis gender woman, does have some special considerations that need to be taken into account. Read this for a more in-depth explanation as to what they are.

Body Feminization Procedures

In search of the much desired “hourglass figure”, sissies can become obsessed with feminizing workout routines. Building your butt into something more bubble-like takes a metric ton of time, commitment and … HARD work.

There is an easier way of course—but the price paid is in shekels instead of sweat. The most popular body feminization surgical procedures are:

  • Buttocks augmentation aka Brazilian butt lift
  • Trunk liposuction

For more insights into what these surgeries entail, check out this article. It talks more about the ideal, and much coveted, feminine waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7


If we weren’t serious enough about sissification before, we definitely are now. Getting an orchiectomy (being castrated) will bring a screeching halt to testosterone production in your body. You won’t be needing much in the way of estrogen or testosterone blockers after undergoing an orchiectomy.

This surgical procedure is, obviously, irreversible—and therefore should be carefully considered. Most TG clinics won’t perform this operation without letters from both a licensed transgender therapist and a MtF hormone physician.

Genital Confirmation Surgery (GCS)

You’ve heard the term post-op TG. This is what genital confirmation surgery—also called genital reconstructive surgery—means. All the way in one play, baby.

Many MtF TG prefer to remain in the pre-op category; at least when it comes to the genital area (affectionately referred to as bottom-end surgery). I would tend to agree with them. But perhaps I’m not a “true” transgender. Time will tell.

Here is some more interesting information about GCS.

Sissy Transformation – Tying Up the Loose Ends

Okay princess… now that the hard part of becoming a full-time, card-carrying sissy is completed, let’s take care of those dangling details.

Name Change

You’ve no doubt had your sissy name for quite awhile—maybe even changed it a few times before coming back to the original. Now it’s time to pick one, and make it stick. Take some time with this. Like a boob job, a legal name change is semi-permanent.

The very first thing you do is go to court and legally change your name. Once that’s done, there are several other places where you will need/want to make the name change. Below is a list of the basic ones. Depending on your specific situation, you may have others.

  • Drivers license
  • Social Security Card
  • Bank accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Passport
  • Voter registration
  • Utilities
  • Auto registration
  • Insurance (home, life, medical, auto)
  • Loans ( home, auto, school)
  • Email accounts
  • Social media accounts

Okay, all that does sound rather daunting so maybe the hard part wasn’t quite over. Be that the case, for a comprehensive look at how to approach changing your name, head on over to TransgenderMap and read their name change article. It’s pretty good.

Work as a Girl

You are now FREE— to live and work as a female. But of course things are never quite that easy, are they? No matter what the current sex/job anti-discrimination laws might be, it’s impossible to legislate life-long biases, negative feelings and bigotry directed towards the TG community.

Yes, attitudes are changing and there are many compassionate, understanding, accepting and open-hearted people who will cut you plenty of slack in the workplace. Unfortunately, those enlightened souls are still in the minority.

Coming out to your workplace, keeping your current job or moving to a different company can be an overly-complicated, legal-laden shit-show. That’s just the way it is for many TG. You’re at the mercy of the mindset of management, employees and the human resources department.

If you happen to be at this stage of your sissification journey, I encourage you to read this very thoughtful and thorough—albeit a bit dated—article about transgender employment.

It will open your eyes to the possible workplace challenges that face a TG.

Become a Housewife

You could choose to keep things simple and not work at all. Just find the Domme or Dom of your dreams and become their live-in sissy maid/housewife.

What a life! You would dress-up everyday, clean house, shop, cook and sexually serve. If that’s a fantasy of yours, you might enjoy reading A Day in the Life of a Sissy French Maid.

Being a housewife sounds kinda sexy to me.

Правильное выполнение

  • Это единственный вариант приседа, в котором голень и спина находятся в параллельной плоскости. Существует еще присед «четверкой» в смит-машине, но он тоже относится к прикладному арсеналу бодибидера и в фитнесе используется крайне редко;
  • Опора необходима тем, кому сложно удерживать вертикальное положение корпуса;
  • Глубина приседа не может считаться универсальным значением. Каждый атлет самостоятельно ее определяет, и должен регулировать ее по собственным ощущениям. Это не соревновательное движение пауэрлифтинга, чтобы постоянно следить за тем, чтобы таз оказывался ниже коленной чашечки;
  • Во всех вариантах упражнения вес тела концентрируется на передней части свода стопы, а то и на носках, если атлет не использует в упражнении тренажер;
  • Дыхание должно быть спокойным и плавным, не стоит его задерживать, или делать выдох на опускании тела вниз. Субъективно более сложным кажется именно опускание веса тела, но на самом деле целью упражнения является подъем веса;
  • Без опоры с движением могут справляться те, кого не заваливает вперед или назад. Если у атлетов получается делать это упражнение без опоры, это свидетельствует об исключительном развитии вестибулярного аппарата;
  • Упражнение может выполняться с отягощением на груди или в машине Смита, если атлет достаточно подготовленный и подвижность в суставах у него хорошая и позволяет опуститься в присед без вопросов

What I Left Out… on Purpose

I didn’t feel that I wanted to address the subject of coming out to friends and family. Every family situation and friend network is unique. Once you reveal something so intimate about yourself, well… it’s impossible to ever take back.

You will never know for sure how the people in your life will react to you telling them you’re a CD/TG/sissy. It could go well; or you might receive disgusted, disdainful—and even mean—reactions.

Coming out as a TG can be as volatile as leaving a bottle of nitroglycerin out in the sun. Conversely, what you feared as a fatal moment, could turn out to be less than a flesh wound. Because of the uncertainty involved, you’re on your own with this one princess. Good luck!

Don’t Forget About Part 1 and Part 2

If you haven’t yet gotten around to it, you are encouraged to read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Complete Sissy Training Guide.

The three parts are designed to work in unison and provide a systematic approach on how to train a sissy properly.

6 – Barbell Hip Thrust

Am I to mean that the first four sissy butt exercises in this article aren’t serious? Not at all! But when legitimate bodybuilder types (that’s not you sissy) want to seriously grow their glutes bigger, then the hip thrust is their go-to exercise.

The hip thrust is basically the big sister to the glute bridge. The main difference is that you place your shoulder blades and upper back on a raised bench while incorporating a heavier load, namely a barbell. Take a look see:

By raising your upper body off the floor you gain a wider range of motion. Adding a heavier resistance via a barbell will get you a bigger and rounder sissy butt… faster!

Keep in mind the barbell hip thrust is an advanced exercise so it’s perfectly okay to start off using just your body weight. Additionally, you can also wait and incorporate them into your sissy butt exercise program after you’ve mastered the weighted glute bridge.

So sweetie, depending on how far down the sissification path you’ve ventured, I hope it’s apparent that becoming more feminine entails a lot of work. Perfect make-up, strutting confidently about in high heels and keeping your body shaved, soft and smooth takes some serious—and conscientious—effort.

Having a beautifully shaped bubble butt will require the same level of effort. In order to enhance that effort, this program Unlock Your Glutes can do wonders for that booty of yours.

So… I emphatically encourage you to embrace your sissiness by getting off your seriously-cute-to-be-ass and start working on it.

A Sissy Hourglass Figure?

If you’re interested in achieving that coveted—and much admired—hourglass figure, you may want to check out my article: The Sissy Feminizing Workout For an Hourglass Figure.

Sissy Transition Education

You have now reached the point in your sissification journey where you are ready to seriously consider transitioning to a full-time sissified girly-girl. All of your sissy-stars are perfectly—as close as they’re ever gonna get—lined up and you’re ready to take the psychological plunge into permanent femininity.

Pros and Cons of Transitioning

This is where I could list all the reasons why you should or shouldn’t transition to living as a female. But I believe you’re way past that.

You have enough experience at this point where you are acutely aware that choosing to become a sissy forever is not going to be all unicorns and rainbows. There will be some rough spots along the way.

It can be a tough choice to make. But it can only be your choice.

Plan Your Transition

Successfully transitioning to a sissy will take some planning on your part. This cannot be understated. You will need to have your high heels in order so the changeover will go as smoothly as possible.

I read where one girl all of a sudden just showed up for work as a woman. The first day, people were shocked-to-shit and couldn’t stop talking. They caused such an uproar that you would have thought that the end of the world was imminent.

The second day—although somewhat calmer—the workplace was still in chaos. But by the third day, the situation had toned down considerably. By the fourth day, everyone had gone back to the usual; being preoccupied with their own lives. They barely even paid attention to her feminine transformation anymore.

She was quick to point out however that some well-thought-out, advanced planning, prior to her coming out event, had been done. For example, she spent a few weeks adding to her wardrobe so she had plenty of clothes to wear for any occasion.

She also had a good feeling that management would support her decision. So she knew she wouldn’t get fired for a bogus reason.

Another aspect to transition planning is finances. There are costs associated with living as a woman that men never ever need to think about. Being female typically requires having more—and more expensive—clothes and shoes.

Then there’s beauty considerations, including makeup and skin care products. Hair removal procedures such as laser and electrolysis are not cheap!

Don’t forget to factor in manicures, pedicures and possibly, depending on your hair situation, trips to the hair salon. These beautification costs associated with femininity can be substantial.

Being beautiful is expensive… because it’s worth it!

But the price for feminization is about to go up even higher, as you’re about to see. The following expenses also need to be planned for.

Transition Therapy

Finding a qualified transgender therapist to confide in sounds like a really good idea. An insightful counselor can bring to light transition issues you might encounter that you would never have considered before.

Also, if you decide to undergo feminizing hormone therapy (FHT), you will most likely need a letter from a TG therapy professional before a doctor will consider prescribing sex hormone medications.

A therapist might even recommend that you live as woman for one year before proceeding further with something that will result in ramifications that are undoable.


Техника изучается только без отягощения
Большинству атлетов, особенно тем, кто выполняет большой объем упражнений со сгибанием колена, сисси-присед показан только без веса, либо с минимальными весами;
Особое внимание стоит уделить положению спины. Она не должна двигаться вперед и наклоняться
Если атлет пытается «завалиться» вперед, то ему стоит упереться свободной рукой в плечо и поднять локоть;
Колени смотрят вперед, если они разводятся в стороны, как бы спортсмен не контролировал себя, стоит отказаться от этого движения на квадрицепс, и использовать что-то вроде гоблетов

Это важно, чтобы не получить травму тазобедренного сустава. Такие моменты обусловлены строением суставов, мы не можем их просто сознательно преодолеть или как-то нейтрализовать;
Во время приседания нужно контролировать положение голени

Если есть желание завалить голень вперед, то стоит либо убрать отягощение, либо найти способ зафиксировать голень без тренажера. Существует вариант выполнения этого упражнения в обычной скамейке – носочки ставят к стене в упор, лавку – ставят сзади так, чтобы сгиб коленного сустава приходился на уровне сиденья скамьи. При необходимости ее поднимают на блины, или встают на блины стопами. Далее движение выполняется в обычном стиле, но голеностоп уже перестает «ездить». Если не получается и это, следует рассмотреть другой вариант изоляции на квадрицепсы, так как упражнение при «завале» коленей вперед становится травмоопасным.

5 – Glute Bridge

So what’s wrong with lady above? She’s not only gorgeous but her form while doing a glute bridge is impeccable. But of course there is no resistance, she’s merely pushing air. That’s NOT going to cut it for you princess.

Glute bridges can be super effective in targeting the butt muscles… if you perform them with some resistance. Any form of resistance will do. A barbell, dumbell or even a sandbag will work.

Me, I started off using my ankle weights opened up and laid across my midsection – 20 lbs, along with a 15 pound dumbell for 35 lbs total. Eventually you’ll find it much more efficient when you graduate to a barbell.

The idea while doing a proper glute bride is to pause briefly at the top while attempting to squeeze your ass up so that it is almost ‘kissing’ your belly button.

Here’s a video that shows how to do a glute bridge using a dumbell:

Okay, are you ready to get really serious in your quest for developing an ass-to-die-for?

Sissy Training Basics

We’re gonna start at the very beginning. The basics of your sissification journey are not necessarily exciting and sexy (like in the above image). However they are mandatory. This sissy training guide will be—if anything—thorough. You’ll be guided along by taking one, small and perfectly placed high-heeled-step in front of another. The first of which will be your sissy name.

Your Sissy Name

I’ve noticed that initially, many sissies use a form of their male name for their sissy one. Mike becomes Michelle. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this other than it’s not very creative. To be honest, it’s taking the easy way out.

Why not spend some time online researching other possible names? Search for both first and last names. Not that you need a sissy last name at this point but last names can work as first names too. For example the last name ‘Maddison’ would also make for a cute sissy first name.

Financing Your Sissification

It’s going to take a modest amount of cash to get started with your sissification. Being a sissy will become one of your tip-top priorities. There are things like butt plugs, dildos, lip gloss and panties that a sissy absolutely must have to get started. You will need to budget these expenses in.


Start off by buying one pair of panties. Depending on the brand and style, panties will look and fit differently on you. That’s why it’s best to begin with only one pair. This will give you a good idea as to what style and size works best for you.

A good place to start your panty search is B2BODY (formerly Barbra Lingerie). Their panties tend to have a larger front panel to accommodate your soon-to-be-shrinking male anatomy. They also have an open-ended gusset/crotch liner that will be put to good use later on. Plus they’re on the fairly inexpensive side.

Training Journal

Serious sissy training requires that you track your sissification progress: in writing. You will need some sort of notebook or app to serve as your sissy journal.

Things such as: sissy habits, behavior changes, body measurements, weight loss and orgasms need to be documented. Your sissy journal will also be a handy place to keep a ongoing list of the feminine things you will need to acquire.

Take a break and spend some time to get these sissification basics in order before proceeding further.

Техника выполнения

Исходное положение

  • Зафиксируйте голень в тренажере для сисси-приседаний, либо примите следующую позу – рука держится за опору, таз отведен назад, голень перпендикулярна полу, поясница напряжена и прогнута. Можно приседать у вертикальной опоры, так, чтобы она оказалась между колен, и обе руки захватили ее;
  • Живот должен быть умеренно подтянут, спина напряжена так, чтобы исключить раскачку в стороны и падение;
  • Движение в тазобедренном суставе минимально при приседе без тренажера, и допускается, если используется фиксатор голени;
  • Те, кто не использует тренажер должны обязательно стоять на носках, чтобы исключить классическую технику приседа из возможных вариантов выполнения упражнения


  1. В присед опускаются на вдохе. Таз следует за сгибанием коленей, дополнительно приводить его не нужно;
  2. Бедра параллельны друг другу, колени направлены вперед. В этом сложность упражнения, тазобедренные сустав находятся в плоскости, неестественной для приседания;
  3. Амплитуда – сколько позволяет сгибание в коленном суставе;
  4. Возвращаясь обратно, следует плавно разогнуть суставы и подниматься на выдохе


  • Тазобедренные суставы двигаются минимально. Положение с коленями вперед не предусмотрено для них анатомически, атлеты должны сознательно контролировать положение тела, и не допускать лишних движений в суставе;
  • В плане должны быть другие упражнения, которые предусматривают сгибание и разгибание колена. Они позволяют размяться. Если по какой-то причине это  вспомогательное упражнение стоит первым в плане, следует качественно размяться;
  • По своей природе упражнение не требует отягощения, либо выполняется с минимальным весом, удерживаемом на груди. Движение способствует развитию квадрицепсов, но выполняется обычно в конце тренировки, нагружая эти сильные мышцы по остаточному принципу.

Сисси-приседания_Вариации_Техника выполнения_А. Степанов

Watch this video on YouTube

Магазин SissyMall

В магазине можно покупать одежду и аксессуары для своего персонажа. А также: делать прически, менять цвет глаз и макияж, скоро добавится институт красоты, где можно будет сделать полную феминизацию.

Наряжайте своих персонажей. Скоро будут конкурсы красоты, где с помощью зрительского голосования, можно будет занять первое место и получить приз.

Купленные вещи можно продать магазину за 10% от стоимости. Для этого наденьте предмет на персонаж, нажмите на него и удерживайте правой кнопкой мыши.

Если у вас много одежды в гардеробе, и вы её всю не видите, используйте скроллинг – полки двигаются, когда там много одежды.

В SissyMall проводятся распродажи, когда даже самые дорогие вещи можно купить со скидкой. Следите внимательно за новостями. Распродажи короткие, ловите момент.

1 – Donkey Kick

Notice that the girl in the photo above is using ankle weights to provide resistance. I found two 10 pound ankle weights at Walmart for $30. That should be plenty of weight for you to start off with. The only time that you should be doing any of these exercises without added resistance is when:

  • It’s not possible to do more than 10-15 repetitions of the movement
  • At first, when you are trying to get the proper form down

Other than that, if you can do more than 10-15 ‘reps’ then it’s time to add more resistance. A higher number of repetitions will not inspire the glute muscles to grow bigger in the fastest way possible. Remember, we’re after a big, bad-ass booty.

The donkey kick, like the straight leg kickback (2nd glute exercise below), are both hip extension exercises that have one thing in common; they extend the hip joint using the glutes to move the leg rearward. Proper form is critical. You should also keep the reps between 10-15. Three sets of these repetitions, three times per week is a good guidline if you want to see significant results.

Here is a video that demonstrates the donkey kick, the straight leg kickback and the fire hydrant, along with some other variations.

Like the hottie in the video, you may want to alternate the different exercises together. I like to separate them out so I do three sets of donkey kicks followed by 3 sets of straight leg lifts (3rd exercise in the video), followed by 3 sets of fire hydrants (2rd exercise in the video).

The fire hydrants should really be treated as their own exercise anyway since they target a different set of muscles within the glutes.

Написание постов и комментариев

Мы не требуем от пользователей стопроцентной грамотности, однако просим соблюдать нормы и правила русского языка. Мы не признаем небрежность и неаккуратность при написании постов и комментариев. Если вы не будете ставить запятые и точки, лениться ставить заглавные буквы в начале предложения – администрация накажет вас и понизит Уровень Нежности. Будьте хорошими и аккуратными, как девочки-отличницы. Также на сайте не приветствуются фото и изображения с логотипами других сайтов.

Периодичность публикации постов от одного пользователя не может превышать 1 раза в неделю. В отдельных случаях, например, если темы постов сильно отличаются друг от друга, администрация может сделать исключение.

Вы не можете писать посты, если у вас отрицательный уровень нежности.

Voice Feminization

Once you have yourself thinking, moving and looking like a girl (Part 2), the next thing now missing is your female voice. Voice feminization can be quite intimidating, but it really doesn’t have to be. Like everything else with sissification, it just takes practice—and even more practice.

Voice actors and celebrity impersonators are able to change the way they sound; and so can you! It’s mainly a matter of repositioning your larynx (which houses your vocal cords), higher up your throat, which effectively shortens the air pathway leading to your mouth.

Doing this will raise the pitch of your voice. With voice feminization there are other factors involved, like the size of your mouth cavity and how you pronounce vowel sounds. Raising the pitch of your voice can turn into quite a complicated and sophisticated process.

But it doesn’t have to be. Just by learning to raise your larynx will have your voice sounding feminine enough. Doing this seems difficult and unnatural at first, but by employing the concept of muscle memory, it becomes easier with practice.

Keep in mind that although many GG have lower pitched voices, they still sound sexy and feminine. With vocal training exercises, you can have your voice sounding any way you want.

I’ve already written a very thorough article on this subject: Voice Feminization – Speaking Like a Sissy. You’ll find pretty much most everything you need to know to get going.

In the article, there is a link to an epic Reddit post on MtF voice feminization. It is so important that I also include it below:

And here is another Reddit post that includes several voice feminization resources. This post may be a bit overwhelming to start with so I would begin with the first one.

With commitment, which involves practicing the voice feminization exercises daily, you can be speaking like a sissy within a few months time.

There is also a mental component to voice feminization. Your body—including your voice—will tend to align with and begin to reflect your most dominiate thoughts.

Entering a relaxed and meditative type of state while receiving voice-feminizing suggestions can be extremely effective. FeminEsscence is a program that will allow you to find your feminine voice from deep within yourself.

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